
I am writ­ing this to clar­i­fy some issues and per­cep­tions that peo­ple may have regard­ing my pres­ence here on this prop­er­ty.

My pres­ence on this land is in com­pli­ance with the cur­rent leg­is­la­tion re the land reg­is­tra­tion act 2002.

 First and fore­most I have not bro­ken any laws in being here. 

I think it would be clear by now that if I had done so, then the author­i­ties would have been involved imme­di­ate­ly and they would have act­ed. The fact that is not the case is a clear indi­ca­tion of the cur­rent legal posi­tion.

 There is a local fam­i­ly who are claim­ing own­er­ship of this prop­er­ty. I have made it abun­dant­ly clear from the out­set that my pres­ence here will be ter­mi­nat­ed imme­di­ate­ly upon exam­i­na­tion of clear and unam­bigu­ous evi­dence prov­ing own­er­ship of the land.

 I would sug­gest that my con­tin­ued pres­ence here on this land some four weeks after I ini­tial­ly arrived is a clear indi­ca­tion that, whilst there may be peo­ple who believe that they have a right­ful claim to the land, they are clear­ly not able to pro­vide clear evi­dence of the epit­o­me of title, and there­fore their claim has no mer­it.

This land is clear­ly derelict and aban­doned with no evi­dence of recent use. And when i sug­gest recent I am talk­ing about the last 10 to 20 years at the very least. 

Upon my arrival, I had to clear the entrance of a large amount of over­growth which had com­plete­ly obscured the fact that an entrance even exist­ed. I had to remove oth­er over­growth, name­ly a tree that had fall­en over, prob­a­bly decades ago, and was regrow­ing in the posi­tion it had fall­en into. These alone demon­strate the way that this land was in fact aban­doned and not in use.

I should also make it clear that I would absolute­ly not be present on this land if there had been any indi­ca­tion of cur­rent use, cur­rent own­er­ship, evi­dence of the land being registered(publicly avail­able infor­ma­tion), open­ings and bound­aries being main­tained in any way what­so­ev­er. All of these would have indi­cat­ed a cur­rent and active own­er, and in those cir­cum­stances I would not have entered onto the prop­er­ty.

Before you con­tin­ue read­ing this doc­u­ment here are some Ques­tions that peo­ple may want to con­sid­er

I have giv­en answers to some of these…

What have you actu­al­ly done here?

I cleared the entrance from decades of over­growth, trimmed back some trees that had fall­en into the path of the car­a­van that I now have sit­ed here. 

Moved all mate­r­i­al into a large pile, to be burnt at a lat­er stage. Sit­ed a car­a­van here. I have trimmed back all of the Japan­ese Knotweed, and con­tin­ue to cut this reg­u­lar­ly, as well as dig­ging out as much of the root struc­ture as pos­si­ble.

I have sit­ed a vehi­cle at the entrance

I have now erect­ed a fence block­ing off all but pedes­tri­an access to the site.

There has been no activ­i­ty car­ried out here that is irre­versible. 

Since peo­ple turned up, claim­ing own­er­ship of the site, I have car­ried out min­i­mal activ­i­ty on the site apart from to secure my posi­tion here

There is CCTV set up at var­i­ous loca­tions around the site. Some of these are placed in delib­er­ate­ly vis­i­ble loca­tions so their pres­ence here is obvi­ous. 

I have been record­ing since my arrival.

Do I have the right to do this, enter this land, claim it as my own.

Actu­al­ly yes, see the cur­rent, and I do mean cur­rent leg­is­la­tion regard­ing adverse pos­ses­sion. And just to be very clear, this is leg­is­la­tion that was updat­ed in 2002. It is not some out­mod­ed statute that some­one hasn’t both­ered to get rid of.

Why was the land aban­doned for so long?

If there is an own­er, why haven’t they proven this(or been able to prove this), either in the past, or upon my arrival.

If there is an own­er, why have they shown no inter­est or respon­si­bil­i­ty towards the prop­er­ty until pro­voked to do so.

Do you think that com­plete neglect is the actions of a respon­si­ble own­er?

Do you believe that some­one owns something..just because they say that they do??

Do you think that some­one who has his­tor­i­cal­ly claimed to own some­thing has a greater right than some­one who has actu­al pos­ses­sion, and is attempt­ing to car­ry out use­ful activ­i­ty at the site.

Giv­en the con­di­tion of the site when I arrived, have I act­ed unrea­son­ably, or unlaw­ful­ly by enter­ing and stay­ing on the site?

Have I made unrea­son­able demands of any­one claim­ing to be an own­er of the land?

Should I have act­ed dif­fer­ent­ly, both in regard to the land, and towards the appar­ent own­er?

Should I accept the evi­dence of the will, and sim­ply with­draw based upon that.

Well, no, the will itself proves noth­ing. What it does do how­ev­er is demon­strate that the claimed own­er has done noth­ing to secure their posi­tion despite hav­ing ample time to do so. Please see the note at the end regard­ing what the pres­ence of a will does actu­al­ly demon­strate.

Should I have giv­en the claimed own­ers more oppor­tu­ni­ty to demon­strate their own­er­ship

You could ask the question…How much time is enough. And there is a very strong pos­si­bil­i­ty that they would have sim­ply claimed the land for them­selves

In real­i­ty, their claim to this land has nev­er actu­al­ly been any greater to that of my own. The fact that they, and peo­ple around have a long stand­ing per­cep­tion about who they believe the land belongs to is not rel­e­vant.  What mat­ters is actu­al evi­dence. And this should exist and be easy to pro­duce if their claim to own­er­ship was valid.

What have oth­ers done dur­ing my time here

One neigh­bour has come reg­u­lar­ly, from the first day, most­ly to ques­tion the valid­i­ty of my actions and seem­ing­ly repeat him­self. He ini­tial­ly start­ed off extreme­ly hos­tile, but this has dimin­ished over time, par­tic­u­lar­ly when it was point­ed out that overt hos­til­i­ty will nev­er be respond­ed to. He con­tin­ues to vis­it, and asserts that it is “his right to do so” as he “has the per­mis­sion of the own­ers” . I have now realised that he seems to want to attempt to pro­voke some kind of reac­tion as he just seems to want chal­lenge things that appear almost irrel­e­vant.

I did ask him if he was act­ing on behalf of the claimed own­ers, but he refused to answer that, so I strong­ly sus­pect that he is not.

Dur­ing his most recent vis­it he demand­ed to know what has hap­pened to the fence that was across part of the prop­er­ty and which has col­lapsed, and in places is par­tial­ly buried. I told him to go and look for him­self. He then stood on the actu­al fence, demand­ing to know where it is, when he was actu­al­ly stand­ing on it. It appears to be provo­ca­tion just for the sake of. I’m hop­ing that he’ll even­tu­al­ly tire of his lit­tle games…

Ini­tial­ly, in the first week or so, lots of cars slowed down for a bet­ter view. Some of these were tak­ing photo’s and video’s, quite for what pur­pose I have nev­er estab­lished.

Var­i­ous cars have passed, delib­er­ate­ly blow­ing their horns. I have no idea why. I can only assume that this is an attempt at show­ing sol­i­dar­i­ty with the appar­ent own­ers, and has been encour­aged by them. Whether this is designed to show me the extent of feel­ing in the com­mu­ni­ty is unclear. I sim­ply ignore it. The behav­iour is child­ish.

If any­one wants to have an issue with me, then I sug­gest that they come to the site when I am clear­ly there, and do so direct­ly. I am not an unrea­son­able per­son to deal with.. 

The peo­ple claim­ing own­er­ship have vis­it­ed numer­ous times, start­ing on the day I arrived.  On the sec­ond day they arrived, show­ing me the will that has been referred to. Suf­fice to say, when I sug­gest­ed that it has no evi­den­tial val­ue, the man par­tic­u­lar­ly has a ten­den­cy to get upset and angry. They vis­it­ed twice, lat­er the same day, bring­ing oth­er peo­ple, and mak­ing a show of tak­ing pho­tos, video’s, and com­plete­ly ignor­ing me apart from point­ing cam­eras and phones in my direc­tion.

My per­cep­tion is that this is an attempt to intim­i­date me in some way. It nev­er works.

They have returned var­i­ous oth­er times, usu­al­ly accom­pa­nied by dif­fer­ent peo­ple, and always mak­ing a very delib­er­ate show of tak­ing photo’s and video’s. 

Who am I

Actu­al­ly, this par­tic­u­lar ques­tion has absolute­ly no rel­e­vance here. 

 The own­er­ship of this land, and my iden­ti­ty are in no way linked togeth­er. If there is an own­er, then no fur­ther infor­ma­tion is need­ed. 

An inter­est­ing note is that there is clear­ly an attempt to gath­er infor­ma­tion about my iden­ti­ty. 

I am unsure how exact­ly some­one thinks that this will in any way assist, or change this sit­u­a­tion.

Hav­ing this infor­ma­tion comes across much more as an attempt to intim­i­date me, sug­gest­ing that the dispute(if there is such) for this prop­er­ty has now been tak­en to a per­son­al lev­el. Attempt­ing to make this per­son­al appears to be clutch­ing at straws, a sign of des­per­a­tion, and anoth­er sign that there is obvi­ous­ly no clear evi­dence of own­er­ship.

There are peo­ple claim­ing own­er­ship of this land. What is their posi­tion

The peo­ple claim­ing own­er­ship stat­ed that the land was bequeathed (to the lady) based on a will dat­ed 1969 which does in fact refer to this prop­er­ty. How­ev­er the very pres­ence of this doc­u­ment also clear­ly shows that the land can­not have been in the pos­ses­sion of the gen­tle­man con­cerned at the time of his death, or the process of pro­bate would have meant that the title would have passed to his grand­daugh­ter in line with the stat­ed wish­es in the will itself.  The fact that this did not occur, sug­gests that the prop­er­ty was no longer in the own­er­ship of the fam­i­ly, or that they had no evi­dence to sup­port this.

 They also stat­ed that they car­ried out activ­i­ties here, fenced part of the land, and used it to sup­port sheep and pigs for some time.

The fence that they refer to does still exist in some form, but all of the post’s have rot­ted and col­lapsed, giv­ing a clear indi­ca­tion that it had not been main­tained or repaired since it’s erec­tion 

I would like to take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to point out some ele­ments which appear extreme­ly obvi­ous to me.

 That the peo­ple claim­ing own­er­ship clear­ly did have fac­tu­al pos­ses­sion at one point in time . 

Regard­less of their legal claim to the land, this would have giv­en them the means to apply for pos­ses­so­ry title, which would then have been upgrad­ed to full title in due time.

The peo­ple con­cerned have stat­ed to me that they are landown­ers, and have owned, and bought and sold prop­er­ty in the past. This would there­fore sug­gest that they are famil­iar with the legal require­ments for prop­er­ty own­er­ship, and the fact they have failed to resolve the legal own­er­ship of this land may be a mat­ter of regret for them but not one that I feel any duty to give them the oppor­tu­ni­ty to put right. They have had that oppor­tu­ni­ty for decades, and sim­ply chose not to use it. Their fail­ure to do so is not my fault.

What is the legal sit­u­a­tion

 The laws regard­ing land and prop­er­ty own­er­ship in this coun­try have been enshrined for cen­turies. The rights of own­ers are abun­dant­ly clear, how­ev­er there is also an implied right that an own­er has to car­ry out cer­tain mea­sures in order to main­tain and pro­tect their title. If there is clear evi­dence that they are not doing so then that title may be ques­tioned, entire­ly legit­i­mate­ly as stat­ed in the 2002 act. 

And this is not some­thing that can be done friv­o­lous­ly, and at short notice. If a per­son has full reg­is­tered title, some­body would have to have been on the land against their(the own­ers) will for a peri­od of 10 years before they can start the process of mak­ing a legit­i­mate claim for own­er­ship. This then allows any legit­i­mate own­er a long peri­od of time to dis­place any attempt to invade or ques­tion their own­er­ship.

How­ev­er if, as in this case, the land has nev­er been reg­is­tered, the own­er can then seek to dis­place any tres­pass­er, and defend their title in the nor­mal way based upon their pos­ses­sion of title deeds demon­strat­ing the epit­o­me of title in the nor­mal man­ner. 

I would point out that it is only now that the own­er­ship of the land is being chal­lenged, that the so-called own­er is mak­ing an attempt to claim their own­er­ship. If I had not turned up on this land in this way I would sus­pect this sit­u­a­tion, and the aban­don­ment of this land would have con­tin­ued indef­i­nite­ly.

Anoth­er impor­tant point is that, in the absence of a legal own­er, the per­son in pos­ses­sion of the prop­er­ty has the equiv­a­lent legal right to assert, and defend their pos­ses­sion, and the prop­er­ty itself AS IF THEY WERE THE ACTUAL OWNER.

And what does this mean in real terms…

First that I can only be removed by using legal means. Any attempt to sim­ply remove my prop­er­ty would be break­ing the law.

Sec­ond. Even if some­one turned up tomor­row and removed every trace of my exis­tence at the prop­er­ty, and attempt­ed to assert their pos­ses­sion of it because of this, based on the wealth of evi­dence I have, I could sim­ply apply to the courts to remove them, and re-estab­lish myself. And please, be in no doubt, my claim is legal­ly valid and would suc­ceed.

What is the con­di­tion of the land itself?

 There is abun­dant and very obvi­ous evi­dence of the severe neglect of this land, the most obvi­ous of which is the large area, approx­i­mate­ly 30 ft by 60 ft, which is com­plete­ly dom­i­nat­ed by Japan­ese knotweed whose ram­pant spread has clear­ly not been man­aged, or even attempt­ed to be man­aged in any way. Fur­ther into the prop­er­ty there are numer­ous trees which have col­lapsed and fall­en, and then regrown in their col­lapsed state. There is no evi­dence of any attempt to man­age, main­tain, or even vis­it the prop­er­ty for some con­sid­er­able time.

I believe that the claimed own­ers have been claim­ing a sin­gle farm pay­ment and that this land is part of their claim. My per­son­al per­spec­tive is that while it may be rea­son­able to encour­age landown­ers to take land out of active use and allow it to become wood­lands, or fal­low etc is entire­ly legit­i­mate, but being paid not to do some­thing on a piece of land where there is no evi­dence of any pre­vi­ous activ­i­ty is quite frankly extreme­ly ques­tion­able.

The bound­aries of the land are clear­ly defined by fences which sur­round the land and define the neigh­bour­ing prop­er­ties. Whilst there are fences etc with­in the land, they are almost com­plete­ly unmain­tained and have for the most part col­lapsed. Again this ties in with the clear impres­sion of the land being aban­doned

How can we tell if what you say is true?

 It is rel­a­tive­ly easy for any­body to estab­lish the truth or oth­er­wise of what I am claim­ing. 

All of the rel­e­vant leg­is­la­tion is avail­able to any­body online. 

I have delib­er­ate­ly not ref­er­enced any state­ments that I make here. If this mat­ters enough to you, or if you have an inter­est in this prop­er­ty and wish to dis­pute my pres­ence here, then you need to car­ry out your own inves­ti­ga­tion of the legal sit­u­a­tion, and I will not be pro­vid­ing you with a series of links to be able to do that.

I have how­ev­er car­ried out all of this research, exten­sive­ly and know that I have the full weight of UK law sup­port­ing my actions.

If any­body wish­es to clar­i­fy what the con­di­tion of the land was before my arrival, then I would sug­gest using Google Earth as this web­site can pro­vide satel­lite imagery dat­ing as far back as the ear­ly 1990s. Streetview also shows the same thing.

I could show exam­ples of where land has fall­en out of use, but then lat­er brought back into use lat­er on which is obvi­ous by the photo’s over time, and oth­er exam­ples where the oppo­site is true. Where land that was pre­vi­ous­ly well used has then fall­en into dis­use over time. There are a num­ber of clear fea­tures which would demon­strate either con­di­tion. 

In the case of the land at Tremain, the satel­lite images show that there has been no activ­i­ty at this site over the entire peri­od the images are avail­able for.

 There is in my mind no ques­tion what­so­ev­er that this land was aban­doned, derelict and clear­ly not in use. There is also clear evi­dence that the land was unreg­is­tered and was unlike­ly to have an actu­al own­er.

How­ev­er we then arrive at the cur­rent posi­tion where I am in fac­tu­al pos­ses­sion of land.

 And I have been asked by var­i­ous peo­ple what my inten­tions are here.

 I have already stat­ed this to the peo­ple claim­ing own­er­ship of the land, but will now repeat the infor­ma­tion for any con­cerned par­ty.

 I have actu­al pos­ses­sion of the land and this gives me the right to to defend my posi­tion as if I were the actu­al own­er of prop­er­ty.

 The only person(s) who can legit­i­mate­ly dis­place me from the land is any­body who has gen­uine evi­dence of a prop­er title to the land which would be the same as if the title were being sold, or reg­is­tered by the land reg­istry.

 I intend to remain on the land and car­ry out activ­i­ties con­sis­tent with being the true own­er of the land , regard­less of whether this is true or not.

 I intend to remain in pos­ses­sion of the land for the 12 years required by the land reg­istry in order to claim full title. 

My inten­tions after I claim full title will be no dif­fer­ent to what they are now. I will use the land for what­ev­er pur­pose I choose to, or am able to, again con­sis­tent with the use of an own­er in the nor­mal way. 

In real terms this means that I will destroy the knotweed, trim and main­tain any over­hang­ing trees and branch­es. The major­i­ty of trees here are black­thorne and hazel. I will replace those with a com­bi­na­tion of local­ly sourced hard and soft woods. The bound­aries will be main­tained. The entrance will be re-estab­lished and main­tained. The exist­ing build­ing will be main­tained and made water­tight and secure. And the land will be made use of in some way. 

What if some­one else has a claim to the land?

If there is any­body who has a gen­uine claim to this prop­er­ty, and can demon­strate a title to it, then they sim­ply need to pro­vide this infor­ma­tion to the courts, and their pos­ses­sion will be quick­ly estab­lished on that basis.

If any per­son with this infor­ma­tion wish­es to approach me first and demon­strate their title in the same way, then I will be inclined to remove myself from the land as there is clear­ly a greater pri­or claim, and evi­dence of this.

 How­ev­er the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed would need to be bul­let-proof and clear.

 For instance stat­ing that:-

  •  My grand­fa­ther left me this prop­er­ty in his will dat­ed 1969 and even show­ing me a copy of the will does not in any way demon­strate own­er­ship.
  • Stat­ing that every­body around here knows that this belongs to me is a com­plete­ly mean­ing­less state­ment and I would sug­gest in this case clear­ly has no valid­i­ty in fact. The fact that every­body around believed that a cer­tain per­son owned a prop­er­ty when they actu­al­ly have no evi­dence that sup­ports that, sug­gests that peo­ple may want to ques­tion what they think that they know and believe
  •  Telling me that they had pri­or use of the land, and had car­ried out activ­i­ties on the land, and are even claim­ing a farm sub­sidy based on their non-use of this same land is the same, mean­ing­less.
  •  None of these points are indica­tive of clear own­er­ship, and I am absolute­ly cer­tain that none of these would have any valid­i­ty were an appli­ca­tion to be made to the land reg­istry, who I am aware will scru­ti­nise any claims, includ­ing my own, metic­u­lous­ly.

How do I respond when peo­ple tell me that I am steal­ing land?

Well first and fore­most, steal­ing land is a legal non­sense. You can­not steal what has a legit­i­mate own­er. 

Own­er­ship of land has been one of the strongest ele­ments of UK law for cen­turies. Think of your own­er­ship of the prop­er­ties you own. Is the title clear, is it reg­is­tered? Would you be able to sell it with­out dif­fi­cul­ty? If not reg­is­tered, would you be able to prove own­er­ship if required to do so, or reg­is­ter it if you chose to, or need­ed to. If you left a prop­er­ty in a will, would there be a clear title that would be passed on with­out hin­drance. 

 Do I feel guilty because I am tak­ing some­thing that clear­ly belongs to some­body else. 

Again the answer is no because if it clear­ly belongs to some­body else they would be able to demon­strate this, and I would imme­di­ate­ly be dis­placed. 

Please just think about that for a moment. A gen­uine legit­i­mate own­er can dis­place me with very lit­tle effort and very lit­tle cost. They just have to take me to court and show evi­dence of own­er­ship. I would be ordered to leave very quick­ly. And I am well aware of this. The fact that i remain on this prop­er­ty is clear­ly an indi­ca­tion that there remains no legit­i­mate own­er regard­less of the claims or oth­er­wise of some peo­ple

 This land was clear­ly bequeathed in a will there­fore you have no right to take it.

As stat­ed pre­vi­ous­ly, the rules of pro­bate and inher­i­tance in this coun­try are equal­ly well estab­lished and his­tor­i­cal, and the fact that the land was not passed on accord­ing to the writ­ten will sug­gests one of two things. 

  1. First that the per­son writ­ing the will no longer had the actu­al own­er­ship of the land at time of their death
  2. The pro­bate was not com­plet­ed in a time­ly and pro­fes­sion­al man­ner.  

Giv­en that oth­er land and prop­er­ty was clear­ly passed on in the appro­pri­ate way this would sug­gest that the sec­ond is extreme­ly unlike­ly, so the first point is much more like­ly.  

Yet again I would state that what peo­ple think or what they believe is the state of affairs is irrel­e­vant. What mat­ters, yet again, is what can be fac­tu­al­ly proven.

This land clear­ly belongs to some­body else, you should have informed them, giv­ing them the oppor­tu­ni­ty to prove their own­er­ship before you took pos­ses­sion.

Why on earth would I want to do that? Their own­er­ship of the land if there was any such own­er­ship has been char­ac­terised by aban­don­ment and neglect. I con­sid­er myself much more like­ly to do some­thing pur­pose­ful with the land, and would nev­er allow it to remain in its pre­vi­ous­ly poor state.

If I had announced my inten­tions and made them aware that their claimed own­er­ship was under threat, they would have undoubt­ed­ly tak­en steps to take pos­ses­sion of the land them­selves and secure their posi­tion.  The fact that they had clear­ly neglect­ed the land to the point of it being obvi­ous­ly aban­doned has, in my opin­ion,  negat­ed any claim to own­er­ship they may have made.

 To put this sim­ply. 

If they had inher­it­ed the land then they should have ensured that the doc­u­ments to prove it were in place at that time, not 40 or 50 years lat­er.

If, and I have no doubt that they actu­al­ly were in pos­ses­sion of, and at the same time were mak­ing use of the land, at some point in time, then they clear­ly had the right and the legal basis for mak­ing a legit­i­mate claim for own­er­ship in the absence of any fur­ther evi­dence. They could have done this 30 to 40 years ago as far as i am aware, but for what­ev­er rea­sons chose not to do so.

 If they have evi­dence of own­er­ship of the prop­er­ty, and the fact that they are claim­ing a farm sub­sidy that includes this land, sug­gests that they believed that they own the prop­er­ty, then they should have resolved this as soon as they were aware that the sta­tus of it was ques­tion­able.

 In almost every instance, the oppor­tu­ni­ty to reg­u­larise the own­er­ship of this land has exist­ed, appar­ent­ly unchal­lenged for decades, but no attempt has been made to do so.

And to put this into per­spec­tive. The cur­rent cost of apply­ing for a title through the land reg­istry where the title can be shown to have been destroyed, lost, or mis­laid is less than £100. It requires one form to be filled out, a map show­ing the loca­tion, and the bound­aries of the land being referred to, and in most cas­es, a state­ment of truth. This is not some­thing that is like­ly to cost thou­sands of pounds, does not require a sur­vey­or, and these days a solic­i­tor isn’t even need­ed as every­thing is held on a cen­tral data­base. In oth­er words, this could have been done, at any time, at min­i­mal cost, and with rel­a­tive­ly lit­tle effort. The cost of doing this any time in the last 50 years would have been pro­por­tion­ate­ly less.

What action, if any, can be tak­en against me?

There is noth­ing to stop any­body com­ing onto this land at any time . How­ev­er as has been point­ed out pre­vi­ous­ly, I am in full legal pos­ses­sion and there­fore I do have the right to to main­tain and defend that pos­ses­sion which is clear­ly enshrined in law.

 Com­ing onto land is of itself an issue of tres­pass, but this is a civ­il issue and for the most part prob­a­bly not worth pur­su­ing unless there is accom­pa­ny­ing dam­age or removal of prop­er­ty.

If any attempt is made to inter­fere with any of the prop­er­ty cur­rent­ly on this site, all of which belongs to me, all of which is well doc­u­ment­ed, pho­tographed, record­ed etc, this will be dealt with as an offence, and there will be clear evi­dence of the iden­ti­ty of the per­pe­tra­tor. I would be ask­ing the police to deal with this and then there are like­ly to be legal con­se­quences.

There has already been an issue regard­ing some­one com­ing to the site and attempt­ing to dam­age one of the cam­eras I have record­ing here. This mat­ter has been report­ed to the local police and CCTV footage of the events has been passed on. I now have a crime num­ber regard­ing this offence so it is being dealt with by way of a cau­tion in the first instance. 

The event was quite ill-con­ceived and thought­less. How­ev­er if there are any instances where there is sig­nif­i­cant dam­age to prop­er­ty, attempt to remove items etc then the full weight of the law will be brought to bear and I will have no no hes­i­ta­tion in tak­ing things to that lev­el.

Is it my fault that oth­er peo­ple have not tak­en rea­son­able steps to secure their own­er­ship of this land

Is it my fault that the law leaves it open for me to take pos­ses­sion and claim own­er­ship?

Is it my fault that the land has been com­plete­ly neglect­ed for decades

I find it remark­able that peo­ple appear to be dis­tressed about some­thing about which they have no clear knowl­edge, just ill informed opin­ions, none of which appear to have any basis in real­i­ty

 I am now ask­ing to be rea­son­ably left alone. 

I am doing no harm. There is clear­ly some frus­tra­tion for some peo­ple at the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, but that will dimin­ish over time. Oth­ers have had their oppor­tu­ni­ty here. Now it is time for mine.

As pre­vi­ous­ly stat­ed I intend to restore and main­tain this land and bring it back into a usable con­di­tion. This will take work and com­mit­ment, effort and cost, none of which have been demon­strat­ed at all by the pre­vi­ous­ly claimed own­ers.  If I had not tak­en pos­ses­sion of the land I have no doubt that the con­di­tion of it would have remained unchanged for the next 20 to 30 years as the claimed own­ers real­ly had no inter­est in engag­ing in any pur­pose­ful activ­i­ty here, but were clear­ly more than hap­py to be giv­en a pub­lic sub­sidy for doing absolute­ly noth­ing.

Find­ing out per­son­al infor­ma­tion about me, not only has a feel that it implies some form of per­son­al threat, but has no rel­e­vance here. 

The own­er sim­ply has to prove their own­er­ship, and I will have no alter­na­tive but to leave.

I have caused no real dam­age here. The prop­er­ty has actu­al­ly been cleaned up, and had some work done on it which should have occurred decades ago.

If an own­er has made no attempt to prove their own­er­ship, has made no attempt to prop­er­ly use, or main­tain the prop­er­ty, then they have com­plete­ly failed in the basic respon­si­bil­i­ties of own­er­ship itself. 

I per­son­al­ly object to prop­er­ty being neglect­ed and aban­doned when some­one could be deriv­ing some ben­e­fit from the pos­ses­sion of it, and improv­ing the envi­ron­ment, not only for them­selves.

This was to all intents and pur­pos­es, aban­doned land, and would remain so had I not estab­lished my pres­ence here. 

The fact that peo­ple are deter­mined to claim now what has clear­ly nev­er had val­ue for them in the past is com­plete­ly hyp­o­crit­i­cal.

I just want to be left alone to con­tin­ue to improve and add val­ue to this land.


Com­ments upon the pres­ence of the (grand­fa­thers) will

The pres­ence of this will actu­al­ly serves to prove a num­ber of points.

The pro­bate process would have high­light­ed any prob­lems with any title of any land owned mak­ing them aware of the lack of title. 

Pri­or to this, peo­ple could have gone for years, bliss­ful­ly unaware of any issue regard­ing their own­er­ship of prop­er­ty. The death of, and the will of the grand­fa­ther would have brought that igno­rance to an end. If the prop­er­ty had been bequeathed in a will, then the title and papers sup­port­ing that would have been close­ly exam­ined, or their absence not­ed. 

This is then the point at which any issues should have been resolved. 

They clear­ly weren’t.

This has effec­tive­ly set a clock tick­ing which then shows that they must have been aware of the above, and yet took no action to rem­e­dy the sit­u­a­tion.

And the effort required to resolve this at the time would be no dif­fer­ent to the sit­u­a­tion that exists today. And the cost, and dif­fi­cul­ty of this. Neg­li­gi­ble in real terms, and iron­i­cal­ly, could have been charged to the grand­fa­ther’s estate if done at the time.

And in terms of time, the sit­u­a­tion could have been resolved in a mat­ter of six years with full title(given that there would pre­sum­ably already be evi­dence of six years of pos­ses­sion at the time)

There have been any num­ber of oppor­tu­ni­ties to rem­e­dy the sit­u­a­tion since that time

The rea­son this wasn’t done was the per­cep­tion that the land was of no val­ue, and there­fore not worth going to the effort over. 

What is inter­est­ing is that the land is not worth going to any effort over, or has no per­ceived value…Until some­one else shows an inter­est in it, and then it seems the oppo­site is true. I own it, it has val­ue, I will fight to keep it. 

It’s a bit like throw­ing some­thing away because it’s bro­ken and of no use to you, then attempt­ing to claim it back when some­one else retrieves it from the rub­bish. It must there­fore have val­ue, so I want it now.

This was a choice that has been made over the last 30 — 40 years. Let us be in no doubt about this. 

The only val­ue this land has held for the per­ceived own­er was to be able to claim an extra allowance, in this case for doing absolute­ly noth­ing.

At least their use and man­age­ment of the land has been entire­ly con­sis­tent. Char­ac­terised sole­ly by dis­in­ter­est, and neglect. Until now that is.

A respon­si­ble own­er would have resolved any own­er­ship issue as soon as they became aware of them.

And final­ly

If any­one wish­es to con­tact me in any way, say some­thing, make a com­ment, state­ment, obser­va­tion etc, they are more than wel­come to do so. Just use the con­tact form below. Please note, there is no box for return con­tact infor­ma­tion, so unless you include con­tact details in the text, what you sub­mit is entire­ly anony­mous. Say what­ev­er you wish to.

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