Land at Tremain, Cardigan

a brief his­to­ry of being on this land

This is a voice record­ing of the meet­ing with Janet Edwards where I was shown the will from 1969 which includes a map show­ing the extents of the prop­er­ty. She refers to the actu­al map dur­ing the con­ver­sa­tion

This is a sec­tion from the 1905 OS map show­ing the man­ner in which the whole sec­tion of land has become divid­ed into three dis­tinct sec­tions over time. Sec­tion A cor­re­lates with the piece of land that was pre­vi­ous­ly used by Janet Edwards and was fenced by them at the time. Sec­tion B is the mid­dle sec­tion which appears to form part of the cur­rent claim being made by Janet Edwards. Sec­tion C is list­ed on the title deeds for the adja­cent prop­er­ty Llan­dre, but is includ­ed as visu­al­ly, the entire block of land appears to be a sin­gle block that is sit­u­at­ed betweel the prop­er­ty Llys­d­deri to the West, and bound­ed by the riv­er Ara­fon to the East.

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